Wayne Conrad's Blog


Configuring SqlServer MAXDOP (Maximum Degree of Parallelism)

04 Dec 2015

Things I want to remember about SqlServer MAXDOP


sp_AskBrent is the bees knees. Microsoft gives you plenty of statistics–data–about how SqlServer is running. This tool turns the data into information, telling you which things are more likely to be problems that need to be fixed.

sp_askBrent may report that Wait Stats/CXPacket is high. If it does, this page explains what to do about it.

How to adjust MAXDOP

This page explains what values you should set MAXDOP to.

This page has a query you can use to learn how many NUMA nodes the server has. The query is:

SELECT DISTINCT memory_node_id FROM sys.dm_os_memory_clerks

This page shows how to change the MAXDOP option. The commands are:

EXEC dbo.sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
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